Sochenda Aok
Hey, I’m Sochenda!
My School of Splice goal
I’m learning how to develop and articulate a clear mission around climate change in a way that’s useful for Cambodia, and turn this into a viable business.
I’m the founder of ZEROW, whose mission is to help people live a zero-waste life in Cambodia. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
Anu Harchu is coaching me on my SOS journey.
In this program, I’m learning
How to understand what my two audiences want of me
How to create two branding strategies for both of them
Articulate what my website is meant to do…
And how these support my stated mission
What I’ll need to do
I’ll ask my community what they want and what they would pay for. Then I’ll ask my donors/grant makers what they want and what they would pay for.
I’ll create a distribution strategy to serve my community of consumers — eg. a fast, easy way to keep my Facebook Page updated with differentiated content. I’ll also create a strategy to serve my donors/grant makers.
Now for that landing page. What do I need it to actually do for me? I’ll start by writing a simple job description for it — something that incorporates both audience needs.
I’ll draw a very rough wireframe (a scribble that outlines what goes where), incorporate what my users expect of me.
I’ll test a simple prototype with my users. I’m going to ask — does this help you make better decisions? Does this fulfil the objectives of your grant program?
I’ll use the feedback from both my audiences to iterate and improve on my prototype.